My little one month old-
I am seriously so amazed at how much babies grow in just one month.
At her 2 week appointment on January 7 she weighed 8 pounds 10 oz and had grown 3/4 of an inch, putting her at 50th for length and 60th for weight. So she is healthy and growing. She just started smiling a few days ago and it just brightens my day every time she does. She is also focusing her eyes so well and I love just watching her grow.
In other news, We finally were able to get into our own place after having to move in with Tav's dad back in October. We have been here almost 3 weeks and loving it. Finally our own little house so the three of us can be our own family. It's awesome. Tavis is still working hard at his job and i'm preparing to go back to work.