
Valentines Day ♥

Valentines Day 2011

This was Peyton's First Valentines day. We didn't do much, But I really wanted to do something special for Tavis so Me and Peyton went and took pics and put them together. Then I also bought Peyton an adorable onesie. Tavis and I also did dinner. It was great in my opinion. I love Tavis and Peyton so much they are everything to me. :) <3

Big things

Peyton is now 2 months old, and she has grown so much. We went to her 2 month check and she now weighs 10 lbs 11 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. She was a champ when she got her shots too. Some new things she is doing is holding her head up and smiling so much. I love it when she talks to me when I read to her at night. She still loves her bath times. I can't believe how quickly she is growing. :)

Some other big things happened to us this month. On the 17th My Grandma Fackrell passed away, It's strange thinking she is gone. So many memories and times shared. It's kinda hard thinking I will never see her again or hear her call me "darlin". I miss you grandma, but it's easier knowing you are no longer in pain and are in a much happier place. 

Tavis also started a new job, One where he is working full time so it will make it easier for me to learn how to be a stay at home mom. I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea. It has it's pros and cons. But life is pretty good right now. 

I love my happy little family and we are finally starting to make our home, OUR HOME. I cannot wait to see what March brings. Lots of Birthdays. :)