
Baby Pic

8 weeks and 3 days

Due December 26, 2010
Our Little Christmas Present

We had our first doctor's appointment yesterday, It was awesome except for the poking and uncomfortableness. I am 8 weeks along, currently weighing 111, Saw our little one on the ultrasound and heard his awesome little heart beating at 169. Tavis got more excited, last night when he was kissing me good night he also kissed my tummy goodnight it was so very cute. So that is our baby update. :D


Update Time

Hey everyone
I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant we are getting more and more excited each day. I'm getting ready to start taking bets on who thinks it's a boy or girl cause the debating has already started, it's amazing. The morning sickness is killing me i swear, and i am constantly exhausted it's starting to affect my working which is really bad.

Tavis starts working this weekend doing his carnival stuff i am so excited cause on sunday i got to go with him to the lot while they were checking all the rides and ride some of them. and i'm excited that this season i will get to travel with him.
Right now i just want to say how much i really really love my husband. He is so amazing to me. :D
Yeah that is my short simple fast update. Much love.