
Happy Thanksgiving (pic heavy)

Yesterday we celebrated our first thanksgiving has our own little family. It was very exciting, and an almost near success. Everything timed out perfect, and I never felt overwhelmed it was awesome.

Having never made a turkey before, I decided to make it using our crock pot. It was so easy. I began cooking it at 10 am, (originally thinking it would take 8 hours like the website said) cooked on high for 1 hour. Then I cooked it on low for (well was supposed to be 7 hours) 3 1/2 hours and checked on it and saw the turkey timer had popped. I cut into it and it was done so I turned the crock pot to warm and put the pie in the oven for 70 minutes. Boiled eggs and while they were boiling I washed potatoes. When the eggs were done I peeled them and made deviled eggs, after finishing that I peeled, chopped and began boiling the potatoes. After starting the stuffing, I set the table, Then finished up the potatoes, began the gravy, and started cutting the turkey. As everything was all ready and set, the pie finished so I pulled it out to cool and to finish I grabbed the Martinelli's and deviled eggs from the fridge, (this is where it was an almost near success) While trying to hold the fridge door open and hold the eggs and grab the Martinelli's I dropped the eggs. Only one survived. Otherwise everything went perfect. Peyton loved the turkey and stuffing, and the little bit of Martinelli's we let her have.

After dinner, we cleaned up and bathed Peyton and she passed out quickly, then Tavis and I cuddled on the couch and watched The Green Lantern. It was such a great Thanksgiving. I was very thankful for the time I got to spend with my little family yesterday and I am very thankful for my little family, they are everything to me. <3 <3 <3


Cream Cheese Wontons

Cream Cheese Wontons

Wonton Squares
Cream Cheese (you can add shredded crab to them as well)
Vegtable Oil
Bowl of water

Put vegtable oil in small saucepan and heat on medium high
Lay squares out and spoon a small amount cream cheese (or mix) onto the middle of the square
I find it easiest to use a clean finger, dipped in the water and line the edges of the square
Brings sides together (will make more sense when you see picture)
Place in oil and let sit until it becomes a golden brown shade 
Remove and Drain oil on paper towel

Food I've cooked in the last little while.

Ok just wanted to share in my growing domestic skills. :) I am in love with the website realmomkitchen.com I have gotten so many fantastic recipes from there. I really suggest going and checking it out.

So first I have homemade Pizza, This recipe was found at allrecipes.com and was very easy. We did it deep dish style and would've been fantastic if I had gotten the right Pizza sauce to put on it. haha, but really otherwise it was fantastic.

The next one was awesome has well. You may remember a few months ago I made teriyaki glazed meatballs,well i pulled that recipe out again, but instead of doing it in the slow cooker I did it in the skillet. To go along with them this time I made Asain lettuce wraps another recipe found at real mom kitchen. Very easy to make and it was amazing, it was a little spicy but I really enjoyed them. Then to top of a perfect Asain themed meal we made cream cheese wontons. This is something I figured out how to make on my own and it is really easy. 
Cream Cheese Wontons

Wonton Squares
Cream Cheese (you can add shredded crab to them as well)
Vegtable Oil
Bowl of water

Put vegtable oil in small saucepan and heat on medium high
Lay squares out and spoon a small amount cream cheese (or mix) onto the middle of the square
I find it easiest to use a clean finger, dipped in the water and line the edges of the square
Brings sides together (will make more sense when you see picture)
Place in oil and let sit until it becomes a golden brown shade 
Remove and Drain oil on paper towel


Next was what we made 2 nights ago, again a recipe I found at real mom kitchen and that was Cheesy Potato Soup in the slow cooker. It was fantastic and unfortunately I forgot to take a pic of it, but here is one from Real mom kitchen.

** Click on the recipe names to be linked to the recipe**


Peyton's First Halloween!

I was so excited for Peyton's first Halloween. First we went down to my school and trick or treated all my teachers and the awesome ladies in the office. After that we went back home and I got ready for trick or treating that night. Tavis unfortunately had work so it was just us girls and we went has witches. Here are some pics. We had a blast!