With 2010 coming to an end, I would like to share my year in review.
January- In January we were living at my parents. Tavis had just lost his job, I was working at subway, and we were looking for a new apartment.
February- We got a place on the 4th with roommate Jose and moved.
March- We celebrated Tavis' 23rd birthday, our 3 year anniversary of being together, and our 6 month anniversary of being married.
April- We got some of the biggest most exciting news on April 22, that we were pregnant and would be expecting soon. :)
May- Tavis begun his summer job with the carnival, we got to hear our little ones heartbeat on May 8. Nothing has ever sounded so beautiful. :)
June- Was very uneventful haha. :)
July- We had another great year at freedomfest. We got to see family from Kansas and Texas who flew out to celebrate Joe and Tiana's wedding.
August- on 8-9-10 we found out our little bean was a little girl growing healthy and strong. I went to meet Tavis in Duchesne where he was working and i stayed the week with him.
September- I was laid off from my job, Tavis began a new job with Stamped Asphalt, and Tavis and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary of being married and it was amazing. :)
October- We celebrated my 22nd birthday, could no longer afford our apartment and so we moved in with Tav's dad.
November- I enjoyed the day of knowing my beautiful birthson was turning 4. Who could not believe in less than a month i would have my little girl and in the blink of an eye she would be 4 too.
December- We were blessed with Tavis getting an extension on his court and not going to jail, Then blessed again when Tavis got a job, Then again when we finally found a place to live, and finally we got the best blessing ever. On Christmas day we received the gift of a beautiful healthy baby girl.
So there is our year in review.
I am so thankful for all the wonderful blessings I received this year, I am so appreciative of my wonderful husband and those around us who were there to help us in our time of need, I am thankful that I know God and know these blessings are from him and can turn to him. Thank you God for your son who came and died so that I may be saved and return to you. :)
Peyton RaeLynn Albertson Is Here!!!
Peyton RaeLynn Albertson
Here is my Birth story. Peyton RaeLynn was born on December 25, 2010 at 7:04 pm. She is 20 inches long and weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces.
She came very suddenly and we weren't expecting her at all. Just 3 days before my Doctor had told me I was Thick, High, and Closed. Chances of her coming that weekend were slim. So when I started experiencing contractions Saturday morning at around 1 am I began timing them just in hopes but not expecting them to get very close. I was right they never got to a point of consistency so i just went back to bed.
5 am- woke up to a horrible cramp and was not able to get back to sleep so I got up and just facebooked and did some CafeMom for awhile killing time and watching my contractions. They started getting stronger just not closer.
9 am- Finally something felt like it was happening has I was watching christmas cartoons with my Bro in laws, while waiting for breakfast i noticed they really started to get closer and a lot stronger. So by ten i began timing them.
Just to give you an idea these are my contraction times during one hour. The time on the left is what time they began and on the right how long they were:
10:02 - 1m 16
10:07 - 57.96s
10:13 - 1m
10:17 - 54.81
10:20 - 43.74
10:24 - 44.14
10:28 - 57.80
10:31 - 42.25
10:34 - 53.59
10:37 - 42.52
10:40 - 49.14
10:45 - 48.57
10:49 - 1m 11
10:53 - 49.36
10:55 - 39.25
10:58 - 42.25
That was just during one hour. During that time I continued on with our christmas morning. With breakfast followed by gifts. By 11:30 my back was killing me so i jumped in the shower to get some relief. Worst idea ever, I was in the shower 2 minutes before i decided to get back out and it took me 20 minutes to get out the contractions were so bad. Once i was finally able to get out. I called L&D and told them what my contractions were and what my doctor had told me 4 days before. They said to go ahead and come in they would evaluate me and worst case send me home with some nice drugs to make me feel better or they would keep me and we would have a party.
12 pm- So i called up DH's Mom and had her come get us. We drove to the hospital and my contractions only felt like they were getting worse has we drove. When we arrived they admitted me and checked me and I could not believe my ears when the nurse told us i was fully effaced and dilated to a 9! Yeah a freaking 9 already. I asked if I could still get an epidural and found out the anesthesiologist had just left to go to another hospital and they weren't sure if he would be back in time. I about bawled I was already in horrible pain and had not prepared myself for the idea of a natural birth.
1pm - My doctor showed up and I felt so bad. He had been with his wife and family at the movies seeing Little Fockers for Christmas. He didn't seem to mind but still that would suck. Anyway he checked me and then broke my water. I went down to a 6 so labor was gonna take a little longer which was nice. We found out though that little Peyton had passed her first bowel movement in the uterus and so they had to do a flushing system to try and clear out the meconium and keep her from eating any more than they were sure she had. And because I had shrunk a little I was able to get my epidural.
2-6 pm - This little time span was boring not much happened. I had My hubby Tavis there, His mom, My sister Jenn and her hubby, My sister in law Tiana and her hubby, and my mom. Not long after receiving my epidural and it kick in did it stop working. So we had the guy come back and he tried re-adjusting it we waited 30 mins and nothing happened so he had to come back and replace it. The first 2 didn't seem to want to get in there right, but finally the third one did and it kicked in fast I was pretty happy. (for a little while). At about 5 pm, My mom left to go get my dad and my SIL and her hubby left so they could go to work. Shortly after my nurse had me roll to my side to see if it would help baby through my contractions and we think it pinched my epi, because within 30 mins I could move my feet and started feeling my contractions again which were registering at a 12. By 6 I was in tears and they didn't know what to do.
6:30 pm - They gave me a shot of epidural just to see if it would help me through labor which was coming on fast. I had also been blessed with an incredible nurse at the nurse change at 6. Turned out my new nurse was also a certified midwife and she was such an amazing coach and I am so appreciative of her. Anyway so I was in tears with every movement. Peyton was still a little high so starting at about 6:45 they had me doing some small pushes just to get her to move down a little more. Once we got her down a little we realized she was facing my pelvic instead of my rear, so my doctor would have to use forceps to rotate her into the correct position. So with only 3 minutes of pushing my doctor did the rest. Luckily the shot kicked in just in time cause i did not feel the tear or the forceps. Only had to get 2 stitches. When they got her out Tavis cut the cord, and they started cleaning her up. Unfortunately because of the meconium she had eaten she was struggling just a little to breath so we got to hold her quickly then she was taken to the nursery for the next 3 1/2 hours, to be monitored and made sure she would be ok. But everything worked out great. I am so happy to have my baby girl home with me now and we are both doing fabulous. Daddy is infatuated and any chance he can get he is taking lots of pics of her and holding her. The second he saw her precious face i swear she got him wrapped around little fingers.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes! :)
Here are some pics.
Day 30: A photo of you today and 3 great things that have happened in the last 30 days
Well my camera battery is dead and I because i'm stupid and don't know how to take a pic with the camera on my iMac, I'm going to post this most recent pic of me which was taken on sunday so only 4 days ago.
The 3 great things that have happened to us in the last 30 days. Well they all really happened in the last like three days, hahaha. So here they are:
The 3 great things that have happened to us in the last 30 days. Well they all really happened in the last like three days, hahaha. So here they are:
- On Monday, Tavis was ordered an extension on his court fine and did not go to jail which is such a blessing to us. Tavis will be able to be here for when his little girl is born.
- On Tuesday, Tavis got a job finally. We are so thrilled this is such good news for us. Tavis had been having such a difficult time looking for a good steady job and we just feel so blessed by God that things are turning around.
- On Wednesday, Tavis was accepted into Vocational Rehab. This is program to help those who have run into problems getting work like Tavis. Either because of a disability or (like in my dads case) working in one place for 20 + years and then be laid off and not knowing anything but that one thing. So we are really happy Tavis was accepted and they will help him either get into school for a vocation or get him into an on job training.
My week honestly would become the best of my life if my little girl is born this week that seriously would be like the amazing cordial cherry on top.
Well this is it my last post of the 30 day blogger challenge it was a lot of fun! Soon when Peyton is finally here I can actually start posting about my Family Adventures. So excited. :)
Day 29: Something you could never get sick of doing
I could never in a million years ever get sick of kissing my amazing incredible loving husband. His kisses still take my breath away and send thousands of butterflies through my stomach. It's become an addiction. I need his kisses to get through each day. :D
Day 28: Your favorite movie
Well dang I have a lot of favorite movies....
- Juno
- Legend of the Fall
- Howl's moving castle
- Beauty and the Beast
- Up
ummm... I'm sure there are more but it's early and i can't think of all of them.
Been lacking a bit Days 22-27
Day 22: A letter to someone who has hurt you lately
Umm I don't really have anyone to write a letter to... hmm.. Yeah o wait yeah I do but i'm not going to write it on here. Stuff like that just doesn't need to be public.
Day 23: 15 facts about me
- I am completely head over heels in love with my husband
- We are currently expecting a little girl who could come anyday now
- I am terrified and excited at the idea of becoming a mom
- I hate that I haven't been working and we are struggling so much to get by
- I cannot stand for my hands to be wet
- I cannot just sit and watch (tv, movie, etc) I have to be doing something with my hands too
- I wish I hung out with friends more I feel like Facebook has ruined friendships
- I am a Facebook and Cafemom whore
- I easily get frustrated with my parents and their habits that are preventing them from being there for us and from being the grandparent they "want" to be.
- I hate the fact that I still have not gotten my HS diploma or GED.
- I have a strong belief in God and Christ, and don't need Religion to believe in them
- I am so excited that I have so many great friends who are also having babies right now that I can share this experience with
- I am jealous of all of my friends for one thing or another but I love them for those same reasons
- I am the Birth Mom of a beautiful little boy and would not be the woman I am today if it wasn't for him or his amazing loving adoptive parents.
- I wish I could be a better person.
Day 24: A photo of something that means a lot to you
My family means the world to me. Tavis and our baby girl Peyton
Day 25: What's in your purse
Right now just my wallet. haha yeah.....
Day 26: A photo of somewhere you've been too
ummmmm.... ok? This is a pic of Tavis and I shortly after we started dating and right before becoming engaged on our trip to Vegas. That counts right?
Day 27: A photo of you last year and how you have changed
This is me at my little sisters for either Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.... but how I have changed since then.
I'm a year older, I'm pregnant, I'm jobless (not by choice or actions) I am more in love than ever, I have grown up and learned more about life and what I need to do to get my life on track. I don't really know. but yeah i suppose that works.
Days 20 and 21
Day 20: The meaning behind your blog name
Well very simply this is my Family Blog. This is the blog where I will put little updates on me and my family and the many adventures we will have. :D
Day 21: A photo of something that makes you happy
She isn't born yet but she makes me very happy. (&miserable)
All of her little movements, I was even able to feel her little foot last night very clearly it was amazing.
I cannot wait to meet my little girl so here is an ultrasound pic of her.
Peyton RaeLynn Albertson
Well very simply this is my Family Blog. This is the blog where I will put little updates on me and my family and the many adventures we will have. :D
Day 21: A photo of something that makes you happy
She isn't born yet but she makes me very happy. (&miserable)
All of her little movements, I was even able to feel her little foot last night very clearly it was amazing.
I cannot wait to meet my little girl so here is an ultrasound pic of her.
Peyton RaeLynn Albertson
Day 19: Another photo of yourself
So i have decided I really sorta miss my hair this color and I want to go back to it.
This was summer 2009
(also i miss my gauges and my sunglasses both of which broke this summer)
Days:17 and 18
I'm skipping Day 16 cause it's stupid and I did a post about Thanksgiving, so this is for Days 17 and 18.
Day 17: A photo of you and your family
Since becoming married I have three families so here are there pics.
First Me, Tavis, and Peyton in my belly :)
This is my family (My brother Casey, My Mom, My little sister Courtney, My Dad, Myself, Tavis & My older sister Jenn)
These are my in laws ( The brothers Tanner, Tylan, Trevon, Dad in law, Tavis, Myself, Mom in law, Sisters Tiana and Jenny)
Day 17: A photo of you and your family
Since becoming married I have three families so here are there pics.
First Me, Tavis, and Peyton in my belly :)
This is my family (My brother Casey, My Mom, My little sister Courtney, My Dad, Myself, Tavis & My older sister Jenn)
These are my in laws ( The brothers Tanner, Tylan, Trevon, Dad in law, Tavis, Myself, Mom in law, Sisters Tiana and Jenny)
Day 18: Something you crave a lot
Lately that would be fruit, any kind of fruit but mostly citrusy fruits... Yeah thats about all I crave right now.
Thanksgiving 2010
Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving and to start this post off i just want to say what I am Thankful for.
- I am Thankful for my amazing Husband Tavis, Who tries so hard to take care of me, he loves me so unconditionally (as far as i know) and I could not be here without him. He is so amazing and keeps me strong and keeps me going.
- I am Thankful for my Mom, Who is always there for me, has always been there for and molded me into the mom I hope to be.
- My family, And I mean all of my family. My biological, my extended, and my church family. I am blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful, uplifting, and amazing people in my life.
- I am thankful for the many struggles and trials in my life that have helped make me into the women I am today.
- I am thankful to be blessed with the ability to grow and carry a healthy child in me for 9 months and cannot wait to meet my beautiful little girl in a few weeks.
I have so much to be thankful for, and am continually surprised by the many blessings God has given me and gives me and those around me.
So my turkey day was pretty good. Started off with a wake up call at 5 am, by miss peyton who decided 5 was a good time to start doing back flips and such. Got up and watched the Macy's day Parade and I have to say i like watching it on Channel 5 than I do on Channel 2. Got ready and me and Tav went to dinner at Golden Corral. O yeah no cooking or dishes for us haha. It was pretty awesome and such good food. We were really hoping Tav's mom would join us but she changed her mind so it ended up just being the two of us. After words we went back to Tav's dads and I slept while Tav played video games. When i woke up i unfortunately had a horrible case of morning sickness and was so incredibly nauseous the entire rest of the day. So me and Tav just hung out in our room. He taught me how to play worms on XBOX arcade. I loved it. So yeah that would be my Thanksgiving over all it was just nice to be able to spend it with the one person i wanted to most.
I love you Tavis.
Day 15: Something you don't leave the house without
That would be my iPod I may not actually use it while i'm out but I never leave without
cause who knows I may just need it.
Day 9-14: Sorry i'm running really late...
Day 9: A photo of the last thing you purchased
So i haven't really purchased anything except Groceries and i'm not going to share a pic of that with everyone hahaha.
Day 10: A photo of your favorite place to eat
We don't eat out often but this is one place we enjoy going alot...
Day 11: What is in your makeup bag
I don't have a makeup bag haha I rarely wear makeup so I guess I have a thing of eyeliner and a thing of lipgloss. Yep that is about all I carry on me.
Day 12: A photo of the town you live in.
Currently that would be Provo, Ut.
Day13: Your favorite musician
Currently my Fav band is The Bravery.
They just have awesome music that make me feel good. They also bring good memories.
Our First date was to a Bravery concert.
Day 14: A show you are currently addicted to.
This is the only of my fall shows that isn't frustrating the hell out off me so...
So i haven't really purchased anything except Groceries and i'm not going to share a pic of that with everyone hahaha.
Day 10: A photo of your favorite place to eat
We don't eat out often but this is one place we enjoy going alot...
Day 11: What is in your makeup bag
I don't have a makeup bag haha I rarely wear makeup so I guess I have a thing of eyeliner and a thing of lipgloss. Yep that is about all I carry on me.
Day 12: A photo of the town you live in.
Currently that would be Provo, Ut.
Day13: Your favorite musician
Currently my Fav band is The Bravery.
They just have awesome music that make me feel good. They also bring good memories.
Our First date was to a Bravery concert.
Day 14: A show you are currently addicted to.
This is the only of my fall shows that isn't frustrating the hell out off me so...
Day 8: Song to match my mood.

I have been thinking a lot about my baby girl who will be here so soon and i can not wait. So these songs are ones that remind me of being a parent and how i feel.
Day 7: Your Dream Wedding
Now not that my first wedding wasn't a dream,
But unfortunately we did not get to exchange vows.
So right now I am in the process of planning a vow exchange
wedding for me and Tavis.
We have two ideas this is our first which would be an intimate ceremony
with family and close friends in a hidden mountain meadow.
Our second idea would be even more intimate.
It would be Tavis, Myself and our Daughter,
alone on a Hawaiian Beach Wedding.
Maybe family too.
But yeah in 4 years I will get my dream wedding.
Day 6: A photo of an animal you would like has a pet
I really Really REALLY want a Hedgehog.
Tavis keeps promising me we will get one one day.
They are so cute and little.
Day 5: A photo of you 2 years ago
This is the closest to two years ago. This was taken Christmas 2008.
That is our puppy Link, which I bought Tavis that year for christmas.
Unfortunately we had to sell him the following summer.
I can't wait to get Tav another one.
Day 3: A photo of the perfect first date
I think Bowling is an awesome First date idea
Very comfortable and fun setting where you can get to know each other.
Day 2: Photo of something you ate today
Well she is definitely Tavis's daughter.
I have always ALWAYS hated Salt & Vinegar Chips.
Well today as I'm sitting watching Tav play video games he opens up a bag.
I got this huge whiff of the Vinegar and almost immediately had to have some.
Yeah. Not my thing but apparently my daughter wants them.
Same thing with Banana Peppers.
I had never had them til I got pregnant,
and then working at subway i had them on pretty much all of my sandwiches
These are Tavis's things not mine. He likes salty, bitter, bleh!
So yeah.
Day 1: A photo of you and how your day was
This is us today.
Today was awesome I loved it. Started off pretty slow but i appreciated when I woke up from my nap and Tavis was making lunch for us. It was very cute and I loved it. Then a few hours later i got an amazing massage from my friend Leola, Oh my gosh it felt so good. I love her so much for doing it, and was so happy Peyton cooperated and slept through the massage too, haha. Then me and Tav went and checked this apartment close by and I fell in love with it. We are going to turn in an application tomorrow. And to top of our great day, we went on a great double date with Brandon and Ceason Elder. We went to Training Table for dinner and just sat there for like an hour and half after we were done just chatting, then we went to Fat Cats for 50/50 bowling and played 3 rounds. Brandon won all three. The first game was pretty close between Tavis and Brandon, but then he totally just kicked our butts the last two. During the second game Me and Ceason kept getting the exact same thing for the first 4 frames it was funny. I was bowling straight Granny's cause i just don't know how to bowl really and I did better with those than the way you are supposed to bowl haha. Anyway I still lost every game. I think my highest score was 67? haha yeah I suck. But yeah it was a great night and a great day.
Blogger Challenge
Stole this from Leola.... Lets see...
Day 1 - A photo of yourself and how your day was.
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today,
Day 3 - A photo of the perfect first date
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of youself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
Day 1 - A photo of yourself and how your day was.
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today,
Day 3 - A photo of the perfect first date
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of youself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
Happiness is a mood not a destination
1. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
It was at the rock church just randomly one night i went up to him and started talking to him.
It was at the rock church just randomly one night i went up to him and started talking to him.
2. What is your spouse's full name:
Tavis Darren Albertson
3. Do you have any house pets:
Not right now
4. Do you own a house or rent:
5. Do you live in the country or city:
6. What is one of your favorite activities together:
Cuddling and going to church
7. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
Colorado haha its the only place we've vactioned the most
8. When did you first kiss?
The day he asked me out it was right after we got back from GCLI for the weekend
9. What church do you attend?
The Rock Church
10. Where were you married?
Provo Rock Castle Park
11. What town is your current address at:
12. Do you work or stay at home:
Both he works and i used too but right now i stay at home
13. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
Park City
14.What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
Link, our puppy. But we had to sell him a few months later
15. Who asked who out?
He asked me to be his "GF Homeslice" it was cute.
16. How old are each of you?
He will be 24 soon and i just turned 22
18. Did you go to the same school?
I went to MVHS and he went to Provo high
19. Are you from the same home town?
Close enough i'm from Orem and he's from provo
20. Who is smarter?
We balance each other in areas
21. Who is more sensitive?
No idea
22.Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Ummm Sizzler I would think or Applebees haha
23. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
We went to Fort Collins, CO together which is an 8 hour drive.
24.Who has the craziest exes?
25. Who has the worse temper?
Neither we are usually very mellow
26. Who does the cooking?
He usually does
27. Who is more social?
28. Who is the neat-freak?
29. Who is more stubborn?
30. Who hogs the bed?
He does
31. Who wakes up earlier?
I always wake up first.
32. Where was your first date?
First official date was Story of the Year and The Bravery Concert
33.Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
34. Do you get flowers often?
35. How do you spend the holidays?
With Family
36. How long did it take to get serious?
He asked me out 6 days after we started hanging out and i purposed 2 1/2 months after we started dating. So not very long.
37. Who eats more?
We eat the same
38. Who does the laundry?
He does
39. Who’s better with the computer?
40. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.
Happy Halloween
Well today is Halloween, Technically. This was our first and last halloween we were able to celebrate as a couple.
We have been together since March of 2008, and our first technical halloween together we spent at church. Our 2nd Halloween was last year and unfortunately Tavis had to work all day and into the night so I went Trick or Treating with my Sister Jenn and her boys. So this year we were excited to be able to celebrate together.
Our day started off by going to my little sisters Reception. Courtney and Curtis were sealed in the Provo Temple, so happy for them. We ate so much food and chocolate dipped goodies. (thank you whoever invented the chocolate fountain). Then we came home and Tavis decided to be a party pooper and not dress up so he wore normal clothes and went has a reality TV contestant. I went as an angel. We passed out candy for a little while then went to our friends Caleb and Kelsea's Halloween party. It was so much fun. I haven't had that much fun in a long while.
Next Halloween will be just has awesome. Next year will be little miss Peyton's First Halloween we are so excited. Tavis wants to dress up has a Halo Spartan and dress her up has a grunt.... we will see about that. We are so excited tho. In other Peyton news.. I am now 32 weeks pregnant only 8 weeks to go and 56 days.. Oh my gosh I cannot believe she is going to be here so soon. We are anxious and nervous. She is growing a lot and seems healthy as far as they can tell right now haha. Unfortunately this also means i am in more pain. My hips have popped so I am in constant pain, I have no idea where she is going to go, there is no way i could possibly grow anymore... haha.
I can't believe i'm about to become a mom... I can't believe we are about to become parents...
I am so excited!
We have been together since March of 2008, and our first technical halloween together we spent at church. Our 2nd Halloween was last year and unfortunately Tavis had to work all day and into the night so I went Trick or Treating with my Sister Jenn and her boys. So this year we were excited to be able to celebrate together.
Our day started off by going to my little sisters Reception. Courtney and Curtis were sealed in the Provo Temple, so happy for them. We ate so much food and chocolate dipped goodies. (thank you whoever invented the chocolate fountain). Then we came home and Tavis decided to be a party pooper and not dress up so he wore normal clothes and went has a reality TV contestant. I went as an angel. We passed out candy for a little while then went to our friends Caleb and Kelsea's Halloween party. It was so much fun. I haven't had that much fun in a long while.
Next Halloween will be just has awesome. Next year will be little miss Peyton's First Halloween we are so excited. Tavis wants to dress up has a Halo Spartan and dress her up has a grunt.... we will see about that. We are so excited tho. In other Peyton news.. I am now 32 weeks pregnant only 8 weeks to go and 56 days.. Oh my gosh I cannot believe she is going to be here so soon. We are anxious and nervous. She is growing a lot and seems healthy as far as they can tell right now haha. Unfortunately this also means i am in more pain. My hips have popped so I am in constant pain, I have no idea where she is going to go, there is no way i could possibly grow anymore... haha.
I can't believe i'm about to become a mom... I can't believe we are about to become parents...
I am so excited!
& we keep going
Things may look like they are just gonna keep getting worse, But I have faith we will get through this.
Earlier this week, Tavis and I were put through yet another trial. I guess to understand I need to start at the beginning. I was laid off from work about 6 weeks ago and so because of this we became unable to afford our Rent. We had already been looking into moving anyway but this new development made that idea harder and we were being tested with figuring out how to afford to move. So i signed the contract over to our roommate and began applying for cheap apartments, Well we think we may have found the perfect place, but before could finish the application process on this new place, Our roommate gave us a 24 hour notice to get out of the apartment.
We got really lucky, so we hauled butt packing and I was really grateful my mom came to help us. She came and packed for me, called up her friends and got us a place to store our stuff and got someone with a truck to help us move it all, I am so thankful to her.
We are also really grateful to Tavis's Dad who is letting us stay with him til we can finish this application process and move into our own place.
It is really frustrating and stressful to me right now knowing there is only 9 weeks left of my pregnancy, and even then she can still come at any time, and I have no where to live, no where to take her home to. I don't have a place for her to sleep or to properly store all of her stuff. I still have a lot of stuff i have to get her too. Like a changing table, Mattress, Bassinet sheets, Pac'n'play sheets, Diapers, Wipes, and other such essentials but I don't want to get any of that til we are in our own place.
I have faith though that we will be able to get through this and everything will work out. I am so glad to have Tavis, He is such a great support and has been helping me through this. I am also so thankful to have God, who gives me the comfort i need to know we will get through this.
Earlier this week, Tavis and I were put through yet another trial. I guess to understand I need to start at the beginning. I was laid off from work about 6 weeks ago and so because of this we became unable to afford our Rent. We had already been looking into moving anyway but this new development made that idea harder and we were being tested with figuring out how to afford to move. So i signed the contract over to our roommate and began applying for cheap apartments, Well we think we may have found the perfect place, but before could finish the application process on this new place, Our roommate gave us a 24 hour notice to get out of the apartment.
We got really lucky, so we hauled butt packing and I was really grateful my mom came to help us. She came and packed for me, called up her friends and got us a place to store our stuff and got someone with a truck to help us move it all, I am so thankful to her.
We are also really grateful to Tavis's Dad who is letting us stay with him til we can finish this application process and move into our own place.
It is really frustrating and stressful to me right now knowing there is only 9 weeks left of my pregnancy, and even then she can still come at any time, and I have no where to live, no where to take her home to. I don't have a place for her to sleep or to properly store all of her stuff. I still have a lot of stuff i have to get her too. Like a changing table, Mattress, Bassinet sheets, Pac'n'play sheets, Diapers, Wipes, and other such essentials but I don't want to get any of that til we are in our own place.
I have faith though that we will be able to get through this and everything will work out. I am so glad to have Tavis, He is such a great support and has been helping me through this. I am also so thankful to have God, who gives me the comfort i need to know we will get through this.
I love this man!!!
(i really wish i had a better pic of him, haha)
I just wanted to share how much I love Tavis! He takes such good care of me and his baby girl. :D He is trying so hard, everyday to make sure we are provided for. He is constantly showing me how much he cares and loves me. And every time he leans down and talks to Peyton or rubs my stomach I get butterflies and think what a great dad he will make. He is just down right amazing and honestly right now i am having a hard time thinking of the right words to explain how much i love him. I am so glad he is my husband and soon to be father of my daughter. I am so appreciative of everything he does for me. I love love love him.
Fall How I Love You
Fall I Love You!!!
I am so excited for the coming months, I love the smell of Fall, The not quite cold chill in the air, The coffee and Hot Cocoa, The changing colors and falling leaves. I am excited about new dates and new adventures. I am Excited to be turning 22, I am excited for Halloween and the Senses Fail concert in October. I am Excited for November with Birthdays and oh my gosh Thanksgiving Dinner I am really hoping I can host it but we will see. I am excited to be so close to meeting my sweet baby girl. Everything is flying by so fast. She will be here so soon. I am anxious for this new chapter in our lives. :D
I am so excited for the coming months, I love the smell of Fall, The not quite cold chill in the air, The coffee and Hot Cocoa, The changing colors and falling leaves. I am excited about new dates and new adventures. I am Excited to be turning 22, I am excited for Halloween and the Senses Fail concert in October. I am Excited for November with Birthdays and oh my gosh Thanksgiving Dinner I am really hoping I can host it but we will see. I am excited to be so close to meeting my sweet baby girl. Everything is flying by so fast. She will be here so soon. I am anxious for this new chapter in our lives. :D
One Year and More to come
Yesterday, Tavis and I celebrated our one year anniversary.
Tavis had to work during the day but when he got home I had began preparing a special dinner for the two of us. Steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, Iceberg salad with carrots, tomatoes, sweet red/ yellow/ and orange peppers and mushrooms, and Rolls, With Welchs sparkling grape juice to drink.
After dinner we had planned on going to a movie, but being pregnant I was exhausted so we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie at home with popcorn and Dr. Pepper. All in all it was a really great date.

Tavis had to work during the day but when he got home I had began preparing a special dinner for the two of us. Steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, Iceberg salad with carrots, tomatoes, sweet red/ yellow/ and orange peppers and mushrooms, and Rolls, With Welchs sparkling grape juice to drink.
After dinner we had planned on going to a movie, but being pregnant I was exhausted so we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie at home with popcorn and Dr. Pepper. All in all it was a really great date.

And it's a.....

On August 9, 2010 I found out that Tavis and I would be expecting a Lil' Girl! Unfortunately when i found out Tavis was out of town working. So I left the next day to meet up with him in Duchesne to announce the sex to him. So I have this huge plan of showing up there wearing a pink shirt, carrying a pink balloon and a pink cupcake. Nope. Tavis calls me while on my way down there and tells me I can't announce the sex until their closing meeting, Duh! totally ruins my plan. So I finally get there at about 5 in the afternoon and have 7 hours til their closing meeting to decide how i am going to announce it. The anticipation was killing me. Finally they shut down and we gather for the meeting, all the employees split into their teams Guessing boy (8) Guessing Girl (13), and last second I decide to hand Tavis the ultrasound pictures have him find out and announce it all at once. I'm not kidding the second he saw we were having a lil girl his heart just melted and he about cried. He yells, "It's a girl." and everyone cheered it was great! I loved it.
So after all that my trip to Duchesne was pretty awesome in general.
So after all that my trip to Duchesne was pretty awesome in general.
Love Is In The Air!!! ♥
First I am slightly frustrated that blogger will not let me upload photos. GRRRRR.... hahaha
Anyway my sister in law Tiana got married on July 30 so we had family fly in for the wedding. Tavis's Grandma and Grandpa Butler, Aunt Kim and her daughter Ashley came from Kansas. His Aunt Vickie also came in from Texas. So Tuesday night me, Tavis and his mom went to salt lake and picked them up. It was awesome while waiting for Vickie to get it in, I was pushing baby cause he/she was in a very uncomfortable position and I totally made him do a back flip, and because I pissed baby off for moving them, baby retaliated and made me car sick on the way home. BUT.. It was very cool feeling the baby move like that.
Wednesday was just has equally awesome. We all went to the Hogle Zoo, and by all i mean whole fam damly haha, It was awesome. Tavis was so cute and lovey all day and i loved loved loved it. We spent practically the whole day there it was great spending time with the family, pics posted at the bottom.
Thursday I babysat my nieces all day and then went to work just a normal day.
Friday was the big day. Tiana and Joe had such a beautiful wedding. They had it up the canyon at this very beautiful park with a stream running next to it. The ceremony was beautiful very intimate and amazing, Then we enjoyed the reception with great food, some dancing, good music. Enjoyed the company with friends and family. It was great and I am so excited to have a new in law.
Saturday we went to dinner with everyone to sizzler for Grandpa Butler's birthday. I have throughly enjoyed this week and the time we are getting to spend with the family. They go home tomorrow and prolly won't be back for a long while, so i am glad they got to come out.
On some other exciting notes, I will be finding out the sex of our lil one, one week from today and i am very excited for. Unfortunately Tavis will not be here. Tavis leaves this wednesday for work and will be gone for two weeks.
Anyway that would be my week. :D
Anyway my sister in law Tiana got married on July 30 so we had family fly in for the wedding. Tavis's Grandma and Grandpa Butler, Aunt Kim and her daughter Ashley came from Kansas. His Aunt Vickie also came in from Texas. So Tuesday night me, Tavis and his mom went to salt lake and picked them up. It was awesome while waiting for Vickie to get it in, I was pushing baby cause he/she was in a very uncomfortable position and I totally made him do a back flip, and because I pissed baby off for moving them, baby retaliated and made me car sick on the way home. BUT.. It was very cool feeling the baby move like that.
Wednesday was just has equally awesome. We all went to the Hogle Zoo, and by all i mean whole fam damly haha, It was awesome. Tavis was so cute and lovey all day and i loved loved loved it. We spent practically the whole day there it was great spending time with the family, pics posted at the bottom.
Thursday I babysat my nieces all day and then went to work just a normal day.
Friday was the big day. Tiana and Joe had such a beautiful wedding. They had it up the canyon at this very beautiful park with a stream running next to it. The ceremony was beautiful very intimate and amazing, Then we enjoyed the reception with great food, some dancing, good music. Enjoyed the company with friends and family. It was great and I am so excited to have a new in law.
Saturday we went to dinner with everyone to sizzler for Grandpa Butler's birthday. I have throughly enjoyed this week and the time we are getting to spend with the family. They go home tomorrow and prolly won't be back for a long while, so i am glad they got to come out.
On some other exciting notes, I will be finding out the sex of our lil one, one week from today and i am very excited for. Unfortunately Tavis will not be here. Tavis leaves this wednesday for work and will be gone for two weeks.
Anyway that would be my week. :D

I Miss You
Tavis is out of town once again... I have decided I really don't like this, Especially now that i am pregnant. These are the conclusions i have come up with about his job, One: He is only home about 2 days every week. Two: I am lonely without him. Three: I get more depressed when he is not here. Four: He is starting to hate it because of the Bull Crap he gets put through every day. Five: His job is a summer job only so he only works May-September, which has me freaked to the max about when the baby comes and i have to take time off and i'm not working and he's not working. ** Just got off the phone with tavis and it gives me reasons Six and Seven: He gets really depressed because of how they treat him like crap and how he misses me, and reason 7 is he misses important things like feeling the baby kick.
Sigh... I don't like him being so far away and so sad, cause it makes me feel so helpless.
Sigh... I don't like him being so far away and so sad, cause it makes me feel so helpless.
Baby Pic
Due December 26, 2010
Our Little Christmas Present
We had our first doctor's appointment yesterday, It was awesome except for the poking and uncomfortableness. I am 8 weeks along, currently weighing 111, Saw our little one on the ultrasound and heard his awesome little heart beating at 169. Tavis got more excited, last night when he was kissing me good night he also kissed my tummy goodnight it was so very cute. So that is our baby update. :D
Update Time
Hey everyone
I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant we are getting more and more excited each day. I'm getting ready to start taking bets on who thinks it's a boy or girl cause the debating has already started, it's amazing. The morning sickness is killing me i swear, and i am constantly exhausted it's starting to affect my working which is really bad.
Tavis starts working this weekend doing his carnival stuff i am so excited cause on sunday i got to go with him to the lot while they were checking all the rides and ride some of them. and i'm excited that this season i will get to travel with him.
Right now i just want to say how much i really really love my husband. He is so amazing to me. :D
Yeah that is my short simple fast update. Much love.
We're Pregnant!!!!
Thursday April 22, 2010
6:04am I saw those two wonderful Pink lines. I could not believe it we were gonna have a baby. I am so excited, and terrified, and nervous, and happy. And so many other crazy emotions. Currently my internet calculations i am about 5 weeks pregnant and my EDD is December 23, 2010. I will be going in to confirm and find out exactly how far along i am this week. Just wanted to share in our wonderful news. :D



6:04am I saw those two wonderful Pink lines. I could not believe it we were gonna have a baby. I am so excited, and terrified, and nervous, and happy. And so many other crazy emotions. Currently my internet calculations i am about 5 weeks pregnant and my EDD is December 23, 2010. I will be going in to confirm and find out exactly how far along i am this week. Just wanted to share in our wonderful news. :D
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